الخميس، 15 يوليو 2021

Africa // Jamila Muhammad

 # افريقيا ..حقائب الأوجاع

مشاركتي في يوم الشعر بماليزيا و نفس القصيدة القيتها عن بعد في حضرة الشاعر البرونوي الكبير ظفري عارف وثلة من شعراء دول اسيا وكذلك شاركت بها في الملتقى الإفريقي الاسياوي مع رابطة المبدعين العرب وكذلك قرأتها بالاجتماع التأسيسي لهيئة التعاون المغربي الإفريقي بقاعة غرفة الصناعة والتجارة بالرباط وبحضور وازن على رأسه مستشار وزير الثقافة السابق د. عبدالحكيم قرمان الذي ابدى إعجابه بالقصيدة وموضوعها..
Twigs moan To swish leaves For hunger conquer boys For the earth's
thirst For a drop of water،
The bones of the deer are cracked Dreams are lost
The Aura Shelf Childhood smiles are lost As hunger
defeated her Or the disease
As it was shaken
by the winds of the strangers Don't let her valley rest. Africa cries every evening ,
Wash away her gloomy past
And the darkness of its miserable present
Miserable O mother of the world
IGOD Chaste tears flowing Her grandchildren hugged Border folds ،
Extinguish color fires
All are brothers ..
Don't blame me, that's my color ..
Bright red Brown
and black
And yellowish wheat
And milky white
I don't care about your racism
I am scattered by the absurdity of history
See you in my features
The ship wanders
The waves of poverty are huge
You waste your goodness
Plunder Under the embers of your sun Evaporate .... As every drop of water evaporates The voices of loud oppression escalate The heavens embrace
Africa is moaning Looking for hope
And in vain the seeds will grow It
does not bear fruit but drought
,And it will rain Bullets ، A war and injustice
Africa still dreams of a better future.
Jamila Muhammad

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